

I grow stuff and eat it.

God's first job for Adam was to tend to the garden. I think that the more man strays away from an intimate awareness of the garden and the dirt from which he came, the further away from God he becomes.

This is a history of my adventures in the dirt. I never really thought about gardening until I got my own plot of land, and now, I'm at a point where I want to replace my entire front and rear lawn with something edible. The less I depend on the grocery store, the better I feel about my gardening skills.


2021-03-23 19:55:09
by: jovial_cynic

We got chickens again.

After being on the boat for a year and not being able to have chickens, we decided that it was time. Our local feed store said that they had a 95% success rate in ensuring that we got female chickens.

We bought four of them, and one of them is absolutely a male. So... I guess we have to figure out where we're going to drop off a rooster.

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2011-07-17 09:23:41
by: jovial_cynic
With the heat of summer upon us (100+ degrees, typically), I figured I'd give another update of my garden.

Quite a bit of food for such a small space. I'm pleased with it.

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2011-05-01 16:51:31
by: jovial_cynic

I don't have a large enough back yard to have a typical "pile of food scraps" compost pile out back, so I decided I'd give worm-composting (vermiculture) a try. There's a local hippie out here that sells the worms by the pound, so I stopped by this afternoon and picked up a canister.

There are lots of how-to sites on building worm bins, and because I had a spare plastic bin, that seemed like the simplest method. After 20 minutes of tearing up newspaper scraps to make some worm bedding, I've got the bin set up in my garage with a pound of worms and table scraps. According to what I've read, these worms can eat their own weight in table scraps every two days. Amazing. That should produce quite a bit of compost as well.

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2011-04-18 21:40:57
by: jovial_cynic

This is my heirloom crop of wheat that I've grown since 2008.

At that time, I found a few stalks of wheat growing on the side of the road that were ready to harvest, so I plucked the heads and harvested the seeds. By the end of 2009, I had my third generation of seeds, from which the wheat in the photo was grown. (I didn't plant those seeds in 2010, because I didn't have a yard to do any gardening.)

This year, in February, I planted my wheat seeds together and hoped that they survived the year in a plastic baggie, and sure enough, they sprouted. I'm now on my third generation of wheat. And for some reason, that's really interesting to me - this idea of maintaining generations of a single plant. I suppose it's a bit like sourdough friendship bread, or yogurt - from a single batch, it keeps growing and spreading, and you can pass it down from generation to generation.

I don't know if I have an end goal with this wheat. But I do like the idea of preserving it, and maybe passing it down to my children. And wouldn't it be neat if, years down the road, I'm able to gather enough of my wheat seeds to start a wheat farm or something? We'll see.

In the meanwhile, here's a few other things growing in my garden:

Blueberry blossoms

Dwarf Lemon blossoms



Artichoke plant (huge)

Artichoke bulbs (there are ELEVEN bulbs on this plant)

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2011-03-30 20:11:06
by: jovial_cynic

I typically post a ton of photos of my garden every year, but it was a little labor intensive, and it took a while for me to get around to annotating each photo. This year, I decided to post a video, making it easier for me to share and for people to see what's going on in my back yard.


(feed readers may need to click HERE for the video)

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np category: farming
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2011-03-29: WELDED GRAPE TRELLIS 2010-08-21: SLOW GROWING 2010-07-03: CALIFORNIA GARDEN 2009-09-28: END OF THE GROWING SEASON 2009 2009-06-12: GARDEN 2009 2009-05-18: NEW BOXES 2009-04-22: SPRING TIME = GARDENING TIME 2009-03-04: PUTTING THEM OUTDOORS 2009-02-26: SIGNS OF LIFE IN THE DEAD OF WINTER 2009-01-29: MIRACLE OF LIFE 2009-01-18: JANUARY GARDENING 2009-01-15: CHICKENS 2009-01-12: WINTER GARDEN 2008-11-15: MIMI IS MOLTING 2008-10-11: DEHYDRATING EVERYTHING 2008-09-07: CUCUMBERS AND PUMPKINS 2008-08-18: DINNER FROM THE DIRT 2008-08-15: ORCHARD MASON BEES 2008-08-06: INVASION OF THE POD PEOPLE 2008-08-06: GROWTH 2008-07-25: CSA SHARE: WEEK 3 2008-07-18: CSA SHARE: WEEK 2 2008-07-10: COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE 2008-06-29: MYSTERY OF LIFE 2008-06-26: COMPOSTER 2008-06-25: STRAWBERRIES 2008-06-02: INVENTORY OF LIFE 2008-05-11: FIRST-FRUITS 2008-05-03: SO I'M A CHICKEN FARMER 2008-05-02: GARDENING INSPIRATION 2008-04-29: WILDFOOD WIKI 2007-10-27: LEMON TREE 2007-02-25: PLAYING IN THE DIRT 2007-02-15: LIFE! 2007-02-12: GARDEN 2007 2006-06-23: AND NOW I'M A FARMER