This is a bit outside of my normal style, but somebody requested a "as close as possible" replica of the Pearl Jam icon, and I figured I'd give it a try.
It took me a while to make it, since it's not really in my style. I did, however, learn a new technique while welding it up that might make it easier for me to make "replica" style figurines in the future. Fun.
November 30, 2008
KD said:
That is freaking awesome!
December 02, 2008
jovial_cynic said:
KD - I see from your site that you're a Pearl Jam fan. Glad that my work is good enough to please the fans. Thanks!
December 02, 2008
Todd said:
Amazing! Would you be interested in creating a sculpture for my Ad Agency? We have a little rock them going? Very impressive!
Thanks! I've sent you an e-mail regarding your request.
May 20, 2009
Michelle said:
HI!! Your Pearl Jam stickman is VERY well done! I am wondering how much you would charge to make another one, if you wanted to? Thanks! Take care & have a great day! Michelle McD :)
August 02, 2009
I can make that Pearl Jam figurine again for $45.
August 06, 2009
Jim said:
That's one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I would love to buy one. Contact me at my email address if you're interested.
October 04, 2009
Wow. This figurine suddenly got popular. I've sent you an e-mail.
November 02, 2009
Paul said:
Hey man, can you email me regarding this? Pretty keen to get my hands on one or two or three etc
November 20, 2009
jovial_cynic said:
Paul - I've sent you an e-mail.
November 25, 2009
ramon said:
awesome! I want one too! what size is this 5x5? do you make different sizes? email me
January 09, 2010
::admin-bot:: said:
== comment removed ==
Note from the admin-bot: SPAM removed upon detection.
January 11, 2010
Brian said:
I must admit... You did a great job!! Can you make more...How much to buy??
June 25, 2010
charles said:
hey there,
in case you can make it happen, i order one right away.
please get back to me with infos via e-mail
my location: austria
greets charles
December 28, 2010
JAMES said:
Man I have only just stumbled across this masterpiece would I be able to get one shipped to the UK let me know
Cheers jim
January 24, 2011
Shane said:
Was wondering if you still make these? If so can you please contact me.
Thanks Shane
April 22, 2011
Kris Eads said:
that is sweet, let me know if you still make these, thanks.
April 23, 2011
Amanda said:
I'll take one too! Just saw the documentary tonight and it was oh so wonderful!
September 20, 2011
Chris said:
This is really cool! If you still make them, I would be very interested.
October 06, 2011
Phil said:
Send me an email also. Im interested in buying one of these! :) Great job!
October 19, 2011
Lisa G said:
Hey Buddy! Your work is amazing!! I would love to buy a Pearl Jam Icon!! Please contact me~~ Thanks!!
October 21, 2011
Darin said:
I would love to have one of those PJ sculptures. Can you make me one?
November 26, 2011
Robert Thomson said:
Hey, would you make me one and ship it to me? Email me, please!
April 05, 2012
Sham said:
Can you send me info too? I'd like one as well.
May 14, 2012
Sarah B said:
This is awesome. Would love details on how to purchase one if you are still making them. Thanks:)
June 17, 2012
Cindy said:
I'd love one if you are still making them!
July 06, 2012
Jen said:
Would love to buy one from you!
July 14, 2012
Jenni said:
I would love to buy one as well if you are still making them.
September 12, 2012
Pat Walker said:
Please send me info on how to get one of these for my daughter for christmas. She has him tatted on her inside forearm. She is a huge fan and has muscular dystrophy so i live to make her smile. thanks, Pat Walker
September 13, 2012
JoAnn said:
Please email regarding sculpture, it is awesome & I want one! Thanks, and great work!
November 09, 2012
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