November 15, 2008
by: jovial_cynic

My wife recently noticed that our guest bedroom wasn't heating up with the rest of the house, and after running my hand over the heat register to see if any heat was being pumped in (it wasn't), I donned my dungeon-adventure gear and headed down into the chasm again.

Apparently, I didn't do as good of a job sealing up the vent as I assumed the last time around, so I spent about 45 minutes re-taping the vent. Hopefully it stays put this time.
np category: DIY


Luke said:
And people wonder how all the bugs get into their houses... tisk tisk tisk
November 15, 2008

jovial_cynic said:
Not just bugs. In a lot of houses, this is how rodents get in. Fortunately, my crawlspace is pretty well sealed up (but now that we're talking about it, I want to do a walk-around on all the crawlspace vents to make sure), so I've had no problems with that.
November 15, 2008

valdez said:
What a pain! I hate climbing under the crawlspace. Sometimes I hear noises under there, like there might be a raccoon or a possum camping out inside.
November 15, 2008

jovial_cynic said:
valdez - yeah... the first time I went under, I was concerned about critters. This time around, I actually *did* hear something... but it turned out to be my cat. She followed me. :)

And that turned out alright, because I figured that if there WERE any critters down there, she'd let me know. But then she decided to get really affectionate and kept rubbing up against my face, making it hard for me to get any work down. ha.

November 15, 2008

chris said:
we normally use large zip-ties to hold those on with, the foil tape is only to seal the air leaks
November 18, 2008

chris, said:
nevermind, you did
November 18, 2008

jovial_cynic said:
chris - yup. zip-tie is on there. :)
November 18, 2008

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