June 26, 2008
by: jovial_cynic

Well, my first batch of the season didn't quite pan out. I used an air-lock bung that was too large for the opening of the bottle, and instead of being patient and hunting around for a smaller bung, I whittled away at the large one until it looked like it was going to fit.

Apparently, it didn't seal well. And when oxygen is able to get into your wine batch, you don't end up with wine. You end up with vinegar.

np category: wine


Billy said:
I'm bummed that it didn't work out. Have you picked up a new air-lock yet?
June 27, 2008

jovial_cynic said:
Yeah - sucks. And no, I didn't pick one up yet, but I will this weekend. Man... two weeks wasted. Pretty sad.
June 27, 2008

Kendra said:
Hey - I see that you just commented on here at 11:30... I've e-mailed you TWICE this morning to call ME!
June 27, 2008

Billy said:
Hahaha, I love how your wife can't get in touch with you through any other means than thru your website. HA! Anyways, I look forward to see what comes out of your next batch.
June 27, 2008

jovial_cynic said:
That is pretty funny. Technology is funny. :)
June 27, 2008

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