September 03, 2007
by: jovial_cynic
A few weeks ago, I picked up a 1981 Yamaha Exciter 185 for $100. It's a little street bike that the previous owner didn't get around to fixing, so I bought it as a project to see what I could do with it. While I love riding motorcycles, I love making money on things I buy even more, and given that any running motorcycle should be able to fetch at least $500, I saw profit right away.

Yesterday, after tinkering with the bike for a while, I got the bike running, despite a worthless battery and a dying starter. After re-assembling the carburetor which a previous owner had taken apart, adjusting the carb-float tab, and swapping out the spark plug ($1.94), I was able to push-start the bike and ride it around the neighborhood.

After my first lap around the neighborhood, I thought it would be a good idea to swing by my house and put my helmet on, because you never know what might happen. After getting my helmet, I hopped back onto the bike, and push-started it again. I got a few blocks away from my house when I noticed that the bike was starting to bog down each time I opened up the throttle, so I reached down to close the choke. I couldn't find the choke switch, so in a moment of idiocy, I looked down to grab it. During that single moment, I veered enough to the right to steer my bike right into a pit of round 6" boulders, which were conveniently located at the foot of a 2-foot castle-style brick wall.

And I hit it chin first.


I sat on the ground for a while in a remarkable amount of pain, and checked my chin to see if I had messed it up as badly as I thought I did. My finger slid under a flap of skin on my chin large enough to cover the first digit, and a quick glance at my elbow revealed that I was not going to enjoy the rest of the week. However, even with a gaping hole in my elbow, a six-inch square section of road rash on my forearm, the hole on my chin, another patch of road rash on my chest, and a whole lot of scrapes on my knee, I'd say I was pretty lucky. Nothing broken. And I could still stand.

Eleven stitches later, plus a tetanus shot for good measure, I'm pretty beat up. The docs prescribed from oxycodone, but it's been making me feel sick all day, so I think I may just stick to ibuprofen.

Here are some pictures, if you can stomach it. They're bloody and gross. You've been warned.

Chest, road rash
Elbow, stitched up
Forearm road rash
Face, bloody
Chin, wide open
Chin, stitched up

Note: The title of this post is driving me bonkers. "Any crash you can walk away from" is how you say the phrase, but it's grammatically incorrect. It should be written "Any crash from which you can walk away."
np category: personal


Joelle said:
EWWWWWW! sick. Ugh. I got the *burn* in my stomach from looking at the pictures. Could have been a lot worse though. You're a lucky boy.
September 03, 2007

Robby said:
Dude.. I am glad that you are okay :)
And I am wondering how you got your chin messed up if you had your helmet on?
I hope this taught you to wear a protective jacket even when going around the block :)

September 03, 2007

jovial_cynic said:
My helmet doesn't cover my chin. It's like the helmets they wore on Dumb and Dumber.
September 04, 2007

cameron said:
at least u have a goatee to cover up the chin. haha. and yeah very lucky not to have broken a bone....or seperated your shoulder. but thoughs are some nasty gashes and scrapes.
September 04, 2007

Katie W said:
Josh, we're all glad you're okay here at work. You have been the talk of the morning.
September 04, 2007

Kristen said:
Dude, yuck! Props to you for putting the pictures on a different page. Thanks. And glad you're okay!
September 04, 2007

Luke said:
Man I'm sorry. I thought it was wierd when I signed in service and heard my guys en-route to a collision on Mountain Aire Dr. I didn't get Kendra's message until more than a day later.

I'll talk to the Trooper on Friday and see if he can spare you a ticket...

Aaaaannd next time you'll know why PPEs are so important...

I'm glad you're okay

September 04, 2007

Tim said:
Time to upgrade!
September 05, 2007

jovial_cynic said:
Nah -- the bike is apparently fine. I'll need to replace a bunch of lenses, but all the things considered, the bike fared pretty well. It still runs.
September 05, 2007

Tim said:
Time to upgrade your helmet!
September 05, 2007

jovial_cynic said:
Oh. Yes. True story.
September 05, 2007

Jen said:
I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you that it is Life Insurance Awareness Month.
September 05, 2007

jovial_cynic said:
haha... thanks, Jen. Incidentally, I do have a healthy life insurance policy on me right now, and have since I've been a parent. :)
September 05, 2007

jonbirch said:
just arrived here from naked pastor...
man, what a grizzly post!
eeeeeeek! painful!
hope the bike makes its money back for you!
o yeh... get well soon! :-)

September 09, 2007

jovial_cynic said:
Thanks for stopping by, jonbirch. Yeah - it was pretty rough, but I think the most painful part of it was the $300 ticket I received. $175 was for "inappropriate lane crossing," and $125 was for lack of a motorcycle endorsement on my license.


September 09, 2007

cecil said:
hello iam glad your ok !!I was just wornding if the bike is for sale? my son has one.I need some
January 25, 2008

jovial_cynic said:
Nope - the bike sold back in November. Sorry!
January 25, 2008

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