November 25, 2006
by: jovial_cynic
Forty-one hours of Saturday.

Because of the time-change between Korea and here, we ended up leaving Korea on Saturday at 12 noon, and arrived in Seattle after a 14-hour flight on Saturday at 9:30 a.m. It has been a long day.

The first thing we all did when we got home was head straight to the urgent care and get some antibiotics, because I swear - we've all picked up the death bacteria of DOOM. I thought I was doing better on the drive south from the airport, but by the time we got home, I thought I was going to die. The pressure in my head, the fluids draining out of my face, and the sharp stabbing pains over my entire body... I'm pretty sure I was fighting a losing battle.

Anyhow, I'm glad to be home. I think my daughter's goldfish is glad we're back too, since it didn't eat for 10 days we were gone. Either our goldfish is particularly resiliant (which is more than I can say for the rest of the family), or goldfish can normally go for long periods with out food. Very interesting. I'm tempted to conduct some experiements...
np category: personal


Luke said:
Well I'm glad you didn't die. I hope you all recover. Sounds like h-e-"double hockey sticks" to me.

Do you want to cancel Small Group or just have us meet for fellowship since leading is doubtful at this point?

November 26, 2006

jovial_cynic said:
Nah - I'll be fine by Tuesday, for sure. The antibiotics are working, so I'll be fine to lead. No worries.
November 26, 2006

Luke said:
Yeah...but knowing you have some foreign flu might be enough to scare others from coming... contageousness and all...
November 27, 2006

jovial_cynic said:
Oh, I see. No - we're all past contagious now. And it's not a flu - this was just a cold, plus a terrible sinus infection.
November 27, 2006

Mark Glesne said:
Glad you and your family returned home safely!
November 28, 2006

Kristen said:
Yeah, I've heard that about goldfish...
November 28, 2006

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