November 12, 2006
by: jovial_cynic
I just watched a moving youtube video about the flight of the kiwi. It nearly brought a tear to my eye. Here's the video:


If the video doesn't make much sense to you, keep in mind a couple of key points:

1. The kiwi (the New Zealand bird) is a flightless bird.
2. Some folks are willing to die to accomplish their dreams.

NOTE: This video can also be downloaded at the creator's site:

Dony Permedi Character Animator
np category: videos


Luke said:
Great Vid. Quite talented that one is...
November 12, 2006

jovial_cynic said:
Agreed. I'm far more interested in the point of the animation than in the animation itself. It's a bit like the lesson of the moth, I think.
November 12, 2006

Luke said:
Yes...very deep. It was funny, and then sad. My emotions don't like being switched around like that, but I appreciated it this time. As my dad would say, "Really well done."
November 13, 2006

Mark Glesne said:
I love YouTube.

No seriously, I love it.


November 13, 2006

Luke said:
Have a safe trip to Korea bro. I'll be praying for you and the 'fams' safety. Then again safety is an illusion so what am I really praying for. I'll just pray you come back safe and sound or die a very quick death how's that?!?

BTW send an email soon about the next book to study. GBWY

November 14, 2006

jovial_cynic said:
November 15, 2006

Kristen said:
Wow, I wasn't expecting to be touched by a cartoon. Sniff.

I am choosing to believe he landed in a big body of deep water. Safely.

November 15, 2006

jovial_cynic said:
... so I assume that you also choose to believe that the *thud* at the end when the screen goes black is how deep water sounds in cartoons. :P
November 16, 2006

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