October 05, 2006
by: jovial_cynic
My wife recently e-mailed me from home to let me know that our two children bonked heads while playing around. By itself, this isn't interesting. What's interesting is that my younger daughter, at 13-months 15-months, has a history of smashing her head into things. She has, as most 13-month 15-month old children do, a large head. It's freakish, really, and terribly inconvenient. It's difficult to put shirts on over her massive skull.

Ugh. I don't know why humans were designed that way. It creeps me out.

Her large head reminds me of Bonk's Adventure, a side-scrolling game for the old Turbo GrafX 16 from... gosh, it must have been 14 years ago. Your character was this kid with a massive head that you used as a weapon to clobber your enemies, and walls, and all sorts of other obstacles to get what you want. That's not much different than what my younger daughter does.

I like games with life-lessons.
np category: personal


Kendra said:
Excuse me, but your youngest daughter is 15 months old... not 13 months old. And our oldest did the very same thing with her head at this age... she used to head butt me on purpose... remember?
October 05, 2006

jovial_cynic said:
oh, yeah. But this story isn't so much about her. It's about kids at roughly that age that have large heads... which is nearly all of them. :)
October 05, 2006

Kendra said:
But the fact is, that she is 15 months old... and you're talking about something that happened today... so you should say how old she is. :P

October 05, 2006

jovial_cynic said:
Fair enough. I've changed it.
October 05, 2006

Kendra said:
Thank you. :)
October 05, 2006

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