June 15, 2006
by: jovial_cynic
A while back, I made a decision to transition into being a vegetarian. Not a strict one, mind you -- I have no moral or religious convictions about the idea of eating an animal. It's mostly for health purposes - eating fruits, nuts, beans, and other stuff that grows in the dirt seems to be a great way to stay healthy and fit. Your digestive system appreciates breaking down simpler foods.

Like I said - I'm not strict about it. I'll eat fish, and occassionally eat poultry... and every once in a while, I'll eat some red meat, but not very often. Last night, however, I think I went a little overboard. I stopped at a gas station and saw one-pound bags of PEPPERED BEEF JERKY.

I have two weaknesses when it comes to food. Peppered beef jerky, and Starbursts candy. I also have a mild eating disorder -- the kind where you can't stop eating something that's in front of you. I think that stems from years and years of being told to eat everything on my plate. While at work yesterday, I had access to this one-pound bag of juicy, salty, thick, peppered, beef jerky... and in four hours, I nearly cleaned out the bag.

... and now I remember exactly why I wanted to be a vegetarian. The last time I ate that much jerky at once, I felt ill for three days, and never wanted to see meat again.

I'm there again.

Bleah. I feel so sick.
np category: personal


kendra said:
I'm sorry... but I can't really feel sorry for you. You don't feel sorry for me when I eat half a pan of brownies. :)
June 15, 2006

Kristen said:
Oh, dear. I just downed a package of Starburts (the tropical kind) myself; I love them! Coincidentally, I was just reading about how men crave/binge on meat products and women do so with sweets. Seems you and your wife may be following that tradition...

Yeah, in my dream, I was trying to keep him from marrying Tembi...

June 15, 2006

jovial_cynic said:
oh, that's an odd pairing. Kevin and Tembi? Weird.

Incidentally, I binge on sweets, too. Ugh. I've got a crazy sweet-tooth. Why do folks crave things that are bad for them?!

June 15, 2006

Kristen said:
Well, a few people have been encouraging them to hook up. They are "living together;" they share a house with Amanda up in Seattle.
June 16, 2006

jovial_cynic said:
oh, the controversy! haha...
June 16, 2006

Billy said:
Man that was some good jerky! Thanks for sharing a piece!
June 16, 2006

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