May 11, 2009
by: jovial_cynic

I love garage sales.

We found this playset for a SCREAMING deal at a garage sale a couple of weekends ago, and the kids haven't stopped playing on it.

Brand new at Costco, this set runs about $1,300. We managed to pick it up for $350; the family purchased it two years ago, and then due to a military move (and transportation weight limits), they had to sell it. Four trips on my little 4x8' trailer later, I had this set up in my back yard. It's nice that it was already assembled; I think I only tightened 10 bolts to put it back together when I brought it in. The roof was a bit of work, though... I had to take it apart and bring it up piece-by-piece to get it on there.

Fun fun.
np category: personal


Kymm Aldinger said:
Jealous!!! Good deal though!
May 11, 2009

jovial_cynic said:
Kymm -

I thought so. We've wanted something like this for a while, and it's nice that we were able to get it at that price. We couldn't *build* one for that price!

May 11, 2009

Kendra said:
I love our new toy, but I do wish we had some cousins that lived near us to come and play with the girls. I think Wyatt would enjoy the slide and I'm sure Noah is getting close to enjoying the swing set!!
May 12, 2009

The Conservative Manifesto said:
Very cool!
May 13, 2009

The Conservative Manifesto said:

p.s. Be honest now -- did you have your kids pose for this photo? They look too perfect to be photographed by chance!


May 14, 2009

jovial_cynic said:

haha... the only posing involved was telling my youngest to start climbing. She didn't know what I was saying, so I put her in front of the climbing wall, and she went up. Everything else was natural. :)

May 14, 2009

The Conservative Manifesto said:

Way cute!

May 14, 2009

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