November 05, 2008
by: jovial_cynic
Well. I tried to be reasonable in my criticism of Palin, knowing that the bulk of the attacks against the Alaska governor were from folks who wanted Obama to win, and that it's always a good idea to try to filter through the bias. However, when Fox News Chief Political Correspondent Carl Cameron chats with Bill O'Reilly about Palin's apparent complete ineptitude, leaving Bill with no defense of Palin, I have to say that I'm quite relieved that the election went the way it did.

So relieved.


The Conservative Manifesto said:
It begins: Palin didn’t know Africa was a continent, claims Fox News

The plot thickens.

November 06, 2008

jovial_cynic said:
Yeah - I saw that, too. I'll be interested in seeing what becomes of it.
November 06, 2008

The Conservative Manifesto said:

Palin on the leaker: A “small, evidently bitter type of person”

November 06, 2008

RP said:
Maybe a nerf bullet to get hit by a frieght train. The new Chief of Staff, picked by Obama, was on the board of directors of Freddie Mac during the downfall. It is also cited as the center point of the economic meltdown. (ABC News) Let's give him a crack at the whole country. Obama also said today that he needed to leave the door open to the possiblity that economic conditions might make him change is tax plan. (AP) I am sure it would have been tough for him to realize that during the campaign...
November 07, 2008

jovial_cynic said:
His Chief of Staff selection is an interesting point.

I personally haven't decided if the fallen banks are any more to blame than the government leadership that relaxed regulations to allow the 50-to-1 leverage that helped cause this problem. Or if the blame should be attributed to individuals who overextended themselves into debt, leaving themselves unable to repay what they owed.

Maybe everybody is to blame. And not really anyone more than anyone else. I don't know. I don't think anyone knows. And so I don't see Obama's chief-of-staff pick as being linked to the economic crisis any more than I'd link anyone else.

Regarding the change on the tax plan, I don't think Obama's tax plan was perfect. I've said I preferred it over McCain's. I still do. But I wasn't one of those overly optimistic nut-jobs that assumed Obama would solve all of my problems. I've said that I'm concerned that people who put all their hope in him are going to realize that he can't live up to their expectations of him.

That said, none of this addresses my relief that Palin/McCain aren't in office.

November 07, 2008

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