October 19, 2008
by: jovial_cynic

Powerful endorsement by Colin Powel, Retired Secretary of State under George Bush. It almost inspires me enough to go ahead and vote.



The Conservative Manifesto said:


October 19, 2008

jovial_cynic said:
haha... I actually wrote that bit for you. :)
October 19, 2008

Luke said:
If it's not about race, where are all the inexperienced white liberals he has supported?

Look he can support whomever he wants but I just didn't see the things he was talking about in the video. In fact I saw the things he was saying about McCain in Obama strangely enough.

Different strokes I guess...

October 20, 2008

jovial_cynic said:
Luke -

I saw Rush's transcript on Powell's endorsement. To be honest, I think that this demonstrates how fixated people are on race, finding racism under every rock. I find Rush's commentary on anything pretty much worthless, and I think this certainly helps solidify my opinion.

If you've followed Powell's activities after he retired, I think you'll see that his opposition to the Republican camp's hyper-partisan leanings has more to do with this than anything else. The tone Powell sets in the beginning of the video speaks to that quite clearly, and his previous support of McCain was precisely because McCain's history (particularly around 2000) involved more cross-partisan work. There's a clever banner-ad I saw somewhere that said "Vote John McCain 2000. Because McCain 2008 sucks." And I think that works quite in alignment with Powell's endorsement.

As for the things Powell says about McCain and Obama concerning the economy, I think that the first-hand knowledge (having sat with both of them) that Powell has of the two men as it relates to the economy is going to be much more telling than what you might have picked up from the media. If Powell says that his talks with McCain demonstrated that McCain has no idea what to do about the economy, doesn't that trouble you, considering that's *the* crisis America is facing right now? And Powell isn't the only person to have said this -- this has been echoed by economists. The fact that economists generally support Obama and his economic plan makes me feel considerably safer about the future of America under Obama.

October 20, 2008

The Conservative Manifesto said:
"haha... I actually wrote that bit for you."

I'm just so happy you think of me when you blog.



October 20, 2008

Luke said:

Ha ha!!!

October 20, 2008

Dylan said:
Wow! This was a surprise. Listen, it would have been one thing for him to say "I'm confident that Obama is the lesser of two evils..." then I would have been shocked. But for him to praise Obama like he did... doesn't that draw out the question Rush asked? Powell took the 30+ years of McCain's work and compared it to Obama's performance in the last seven weeks. Interesting.

I mean, Obama has done nothing. Seriously... what has he done? Nothing. All I hear is things like "He has the ability to unite our nation". Really, because that doesn't mean anything to me. Michael Phillips "united the nation" when we were all watching him win eight gold... but I wouldn't want the kid running a 7-11, regardless of how many advisors he could pay.

But that's just me...

October 24, 2008

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