September 05, 2008
by: jovial_cynic

image: Happy shoppers (cc) Adam Tinworth

While shoveling rocks into a wheel barrow (my wife and I are doing some minor front-yard landscaping), I figured it was a good opportunity to have a deep conversation with my 4-year old daughter:

me: Honey, you know that I leave the house to go to work, and mom works at home. Some people do it differently - there are moms who leave the house to work, and the dads work at home. When you grow up, do you want to be a mom who leaves the house to work, or a mom who works at home? (note: I'm *not* injecting a "you-have-to-be-a-mom" mindset into my daughters; she has already told me she wants to be a mom.)

her: I want to be a mom who goes shopping.

Well... ok. I guess that settles that.


Kendra said:
That's my girl!! :)
September 05, 2008

jovial_cynic said:
Kendra - hopefully our girls are as crafty as you are, and can make their own money to go shopping. :)
September 05, 2008

Kristen said:
I have been thinking about this future conversation as well lately... :)
September 07, 2008

jovial_cynic said:
Kristen - at first, I think you were talking about your daughter, and then it dawned on me that you were talking about yourself. :)
September 07, 2008

Kristen said:
Well, I meant with Alyssa...("You can do anything! Just because your mom stays at home right now doesn't mean you have to!")...but we all know I am a mom who shops. :)
September 12, 2008

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