September 03, 2008
by: jovial_cynic

I picked this antique forge on craigslist for $100. The hand-crank (worth $100 by itself) works perfectly.

And after throwing in some firebricks to contain the heat, it looks like it works:

I'm a real blacksmith now!


TimDogg said:
Henceforth and heretofor, you shall now be known as Smitty.
September 03, 2008

Luke said:
That's awesome. GO MAKE ME A SWORD!
September 03, 2008

jovial_cynic said:
haha... making a sword is pretty high on my list of things to do. I'll probably start off with a knife or two, though. Knives are easier than swords, being that they're smaller.

September 03, 2008

Ben said:
I'm pretty sure making a sword would be very cool.
September 03, 2008

Jacob Lockhart said:
Do not use briquettes, they are made mostly of sawdust with a clay binder that sticks to your work. If you cannot get coke or coal you need to use lump reall wood charcoal. There was no negative criticism here, just a helpful obsersvation.
February 18, 2009

jovial_cynic said:
Jacob -

Thanks! I've heard this from a few other people as well. I've been on the lookout for some coal, but I haven't been able to find any. Where does one buy coal?

February 18, 2009

Tim Wright said:
There are a few places to obtain it. If you live in a mountainous area ask around to see if there was ever any coal mining done. If thats a no go some hardware stores sell natural hardwood charcoal(I.E. Lowes/Home Depot
January 07, 2010

Michael said:
what type of metal is needed to make a forge?
February 17, 2011

jovial_cynic said:
Michael - you just need something thick enough that won't melt when you get the coals hot. If you're going to shape the metal yourself, I'd say that something as thick as 16 gauge sheet metal would suffice.

You want to MAKE a forge?

February 17, 2011

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