August 26, 2008
by: jovial_cynic

image: Joe Biden - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2003.jpg (cc) Flickr upload bot

Well, so much for voting this year.

I had hoped that Obama's VP selection was for a person whose position on technology issues was more closely aligned to his own (and my own). Biden's cozy relationship with the RIAA/MPAA, the big telcos, and his position on internet taxes and privacy pretty much kills it for me. I don't think Obama could have picked a more "politics-as-usual" vice-president.

From a recent CNet article:

By choosing Joe Biden as their vice presidential candidate, the Democrats have selected a politician with a mixed record on technology who has spent most of his Senate career allied with the FBI and copyright holders, who ranks toward the bottom of CNET's Technology Voters' Guide, and whose anti-privacy legislation was actually responsible for the creation of PGP.

Biden is the polar opposite of the things I wished for in Obama. I just don't think that's going to work out for me.


Matthew said:
"So much for voting this year"? What a bad American you are. You deserve the bad government you get. Step out of the way and leave the work to those of us who do not give up at the drop of a hat. Go bawl in a corner.

PS. I am sure Qwest can hardly wait to hear more of your complaints about how someone on the internet offends you. I bet that's never happened before.

August 26, 2008

Matthew said:
Somehow that is what I thought you'd say.
August 26, 2008

jovial_cynic said:
Do you enjoy posting on my blog? I mean, if you are so negatively moved by my opinion of things, perhaps it would be in your best interest to not keep coming back.
August 26, 2008

Ken said:
Wow man. I didn't realize a vp selection could influence so much.
I guess that's not true... Gore lost my '00 vote because of Lieberman. (i hate that guy)

Well, as long as you're throwing your vote away this year, you should join me in throwing it away for the only guy who would actually create real and effective worthwhile progressive change.

Then again, I haven't believed in this democracy since long before Governor Bush was APPOINTED president by the Supreme Court.

August 27, 2008

Jeb said:
I wasn't aware of Biden, in fact until he was selected I didn't even know who he was.

Shows how much I pay attention... although, I would have hoped he would be more similar to Obama, but hearing his stance on internet/technology issues, I have issues...

August 27, 2008

The Conservative Manifesto said:
I was going to go the whole "if Obama isn't a strong enough candidate to hold your vote regardless of VP..." route, but I think I'll just rather thank you for not voting.



August 27, 2008

jovial_cynic said:
TCM - I figured you'd stop by and say something like that. haha...

Anyhow, there is no candidate possibly "strong enough" to win my vote if their VP selection doesn't also pass my requirements.

Which reminds me... if the Republicans really want to win, McCain should select Hillary Clinton as VP, as that would yank out half the democrat vote towards McCain. And we'd be in bizzaro-world.

August 27, 2008

Luke said:
On another note did you know that in the 1970s Joseph Biden's wife and two daughters were killed in a drunk driving accident? He remarried and has remained married to his wife for 30+ years now but still fondly talks about his deceased wife Melenia.

Kind of gave me a heart for the guy. I can't imagine what losing my whole family would be like. I kind of admire him for coming back like that. I don't agree with him politically but other than that I have some respect for him.

August 27, 2008

jovial_cynic said:
Well, not his whole family. He has two sons that survived the accident.

From the wikipedia article:
His two sons, Beau and Hunter, were seriously injured in the accident, but both eventually made full recoveries. Biden was sworn into office from their bedside.

But yeah - still pretty sad.

August 27, 2008

The Conservative Manifesto said:
"I figured you'd stop by and say something like that.

I can do you one better.


August 27, 2008

jovial_cynic said:
Another whole post dedicated to me?! Aw... thanks! :)
August 27, 2008

Kymm said:
WHAT?! Biden's story from 1972 about his family isn't winning your heart for the big vote?!? I mean, no one else in this country has lost people or had to work their butt off! Just Joe. Maybe I'm being a little harsh, but we're pretty sick of the sob story in this household. A compelling back story doesn't equal national leadership.
August 27, 2008

valdez said:
Hey Josh,

I'm sorry that Obama's VP choice left you dissatisfied. I was kind of mixed about it myself. I watched his acceptance speech tonight, and I have to admit, he sounded rather well-rounded for a liberal. There's a lot of disappointed Dems that wanted his choice to be Hillary, which was the biggest fear I had as a conservative. I'm quite sure Obama paid big time for endorsements from both Bill and Hillary, can you say Supreme Court Justice Clinton? Politics will always be politics as usual, you just have to pick the one that most closely has your best interests at heart. I think people are going to be even more critical of who McCain picks to run along side of him, since his social security number is 8. LOL

August 28, 2008

jovial_cynic said:
I think that on a lot of issues, Biden may be well rounded. On the issue of corporate interests, though, I can't get past it. Obama's personal stance on lobbying and corporate money is the primary reason I was willing to vote for him. Biden is the antithesis of that. Those kind of corporate connection is, in my opinion, the definition of corruption as it relates to politics. It's absolutely intolerable for me.
August 29, 2008

valdez said:
Corruption will always go hand in hand with politics, even for young senators with initially good intentions. I think Obamas pick of Biden didn't help him, but didn't eliminate him as a contender either. What I think sealed his fate as the one who will concede to the winner in this election was his answer to Rick Warren (and America) regarding the abortion question.
August 29, 2008

Ken said:
I think it funny that people thank you for not voting in this election. As if the loss of your vote is going to take Washington State's electoral votes from Obama.

Let's be real. McCain isn't getting WA's electoral votes. Obama is. Even with McCain's VP being the governor of a state whose population is smaller than the city of San Jose. No effect.
Obama takes WA.

August 29, 2008

jovial_cynic said:
Ken - haha... this is true. But I'm sure my friend Mark will take as much victory as he can.
August 29, 2008

The Conservative Manifesto said:
"As if the loss of your vote is going to take Washington State's electoral votes from Obama."


I'm operating under no such assumption that would lead me to believe Josh's vote (or lack thereof) will mean Washington swings red for the first time since Reagan's re-election landslide in 1984.

At the same time, you could argue my vote is worthless in a state like California, and that I shouldn't bother to vote either.

I just find arguments such the "well, your nominee isn't going to win your state any way" worthless.

My thankful jab at Josh is more tongue-in-cheek than anything, as I wish more intelligent people (like Josh) would in fact participate in the voting process -- regardless of political affiliation. And I mean that.

But I'm not going to convince him to vote -- and he certainly has the freedom to NOT vote. I'm just glad any time, any one, any where, decides against voting for Barack Obama.

p.s. Yes, I will take "as much victory as [I] can", as JC put it. And I consider only two Democratic presidents in just shy of 40 years victory.


September 03, 2008

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