March 24, 2008
by: jovial_cynic

image: calm and dispair (cc) P!ndaro

After reading about the stunning medical breakthrough that causes complete human regeneration with the aid of an extracellular matrix, it crosses my mind that the ushering in of the end times will not come at the spine-tingling notion of mandatory RFID chipping. Instead, it may come as the result of man's greatest medical achievement: immortality.

The extracellular matrix, interestingly, is made from pig bladders.

That powder is a substance made from pig bladders called extracellular matrix. It is a mix of protein and connective tissue surgeons often use to repair tendons and it holds some of the secrets behind the emerging new science of regenerative medicine.

"It tells the body, start that process of tissue regrowth," said Badylak.

In this case, it regrew a man's finger -- flesh, blood, vessels, and nail.

The Old Testament Mosaic Law prohibited Israel from consuming pork, and while many cultural anthropologists attribute this to an early understanding of the affects of trichinosis, there may be another reason.

And just as it happened in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: they were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.

(Luke 17:26-27 NASB)

And when you look back at the time of Noah, Genesis 5 lists the genealogical record from Adam to Noah, and the lifespan of the characters in the story reaches into the hundreds of years... approaching 1,000 years of age. That sinful man should live to be 700, 800, and even 900 years old allowed them to achieve levels of corruption so horrific that God was moved to destroy them all in a flood, save for Noah and his family -- as stated in Genesis 6. Jesus' warning is that the end of days will be just like those days...

Perhaps God placed the pork prohibition before Israel to slow the potential for mankind to grow in centuries worth of personal wickedness. Science has now discovered human regeneration, and this shiny box of Pandora will surely never close.

Humanity may reject the RFID, but we certainly embrace immortality. If possible, even the elect will be led astray.

You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.

Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another. Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many.

Because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold.

(Matthew 24:6-12 NASB)


Ken said:
I'm so torn by this sort of thing.

I have a severe inner dichotomy of awesome sci-fi/comic/future-tech geek VS inner natural/organic/hippy crap.

Part of me is fascinated by this, finds it the inevitable progression of our species. Nanotechnology, cloning, gene therapy, and the extracellular matrix will make us immortal!

The hippy part of me cries out about how wrong this all is. We're supposed to have limited lifespans. Death gives life its meaning, makes life precious...

March 25, 2008

jovial_cynic said:
Seriously -- this feels so right, and so horribly wrong at the same time.

It's so benign, though. I mean, it'll start out as a tube of "ouch-be-gone" at the local grocery store that you can use to heal any injury, from a paper-cut to an accidentally limb severing. Who wouldn't carry a supply of this stuff? It'd be in every home, and nobody could possibly call it "bad."

:: shudder ::

It's always the things that seem so innocent and good...

March 25, 2008

Max Hyland said:
End times or not, people should be given their own chance to choose to be good people, long life or not.

Death gives life limitation, not meaning. Meaning comes from what happens before we die.

If death is what makes life meaningful, why do we value life more now that it is longer? When the ripe old age of fourty five was an achievement, dying was not a serious concern. With less to lose, etc.

I'm just worried that longer lifespans will cause people to make stricter laws and enforce stronger regulation of lifestyle.

March 28, 2008

melter65 said:
Can you see this sort of thing being open to us plebs? "Even the elect will be led astray", too true! Our lords and masters would withhold something like this 'for the good of mankind', and for their use only!
August 24, 2008

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