To Know

The fact that Genesis 4 opens up with “Adam KNEW his wife” is striking. Yes, this is the Hebrew way of saying sex, but the wording suggests that immediately prior to this chapter, Adam did not know Eve. Not really.

We read that “their eyes were open” in Genesis 3, but perhaps “seeing” does not mean “knowing.” It requires something more.

Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, and said, “I have acquired a man from the Lord.”
Genesis 4:1 (NKJV)


I don’t believe temptation and the fall in Genesis 3 is specifically about sex, but there are things in the language that seem to link them.

I can’t shake this question: Is there anything more strongly linked to shame and sin than sexuality? Has it always been this way?

It’s an extremely heavy topic, and while I don’t think Genesis 3 is about sex, I think that the hints in the language are meant to help us understand that the brokenness we experience in our sexuality is like a living parable for what spiritual brokenness is.