For Reasons only God Knows

Guest Author @Randallthetrue from Twitter/X:

Genesis 2:15-20

Here God put man in the garden and said it is not good for him to be alone. Then God proceeded to create animals and send them to man to name one at a time. My question is how long did that take? What was man learning from it? Why did God do that before He made women?

Remember once God was done with all the animals none were a suitable helpmate. Obviously, God knew that would be the case but He still put man through all that prior to fulfilling the purpose, which He already had the answer. I can only assume it took many many years to name all the animals prior to woman being made.

To begin with God told man to serve and keep the garden the God said man needs a suitable helpmate. I see this in my life. God says He wants something for me then proceeds to take me down a road that seemingly has no relevance only to connect it all later.

I think if He made women first man would not have said “bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh.” Anyways this leads to many thoughts maybe more later on.

Vast Array

Guest Author @Randallthetrue from Twitter/X:

So the heavens and the earth were finished with all their forces.
Genesis 2:1 (John Goldingay, The First Testament)

What I love about this translation (John Goldingay, The First Testament, A New Translation, is it uses the word forces.

This opens up many lines of thought.

First Question: What forces is it talking about? I can think of many such as gravity, air currents, electricity, life (breathing and so on), photosynthesis… there are many.

Next the Scripture states that says God rested. but what is interesting is the forces He instituted did not stop. When He spoke them into existence they were always there. They never stop for the Sabbath. Mankind was told to take a Sabbath and in a different way the fields of the earth were told to be Sabbathed as well.