Pure Religion

If you understand that the correct way to love God is to love your neighbor, you’ll understand that “sinning greatly against the LORD” means to sin greatly against your neighbor.

Now the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked sinners against the Lord.
Genesis 13:13 (NASB)

NOW THE MEN OF SODOM WERE WICKED. To their fellow man. This is stated in Ezekiel, viz., neither did she (Sodom) strengthen the hand of the poor and needy (Ezek. 16:49).
Ibn Ezra, Genesis 13:13:1

One Body

The Hebrew idiom used in this verse is much sweeter than the English translations.“Left” and “right” are actually “left hand” and “right hand.” Abram isn’t telling Lot to go far away from him. These aren’t opposites. He’s indicating nearness, as they are still one body.

Is the entire land not before you? Please separate from me; if you choose the left, then I will go to the right; or if you choose the right, then I will go to the left.
Genesis 13:9 (NASB)

אם השמאל ואימינה IF THOU WILT TAKE THE LEFT HAND, THAN I WILL GO TO THE RIGHT —Wherever you settle down I will not go far from you and I will stand by you as a shield and as a helper. Ultimately, indeed, he (Lot) was really in need of him, as it is said, (Genesis 14:14) “And Abram heard that his brother was taken captive etc.”
Rashi Genesis 13:9:1

First Words

Humanity’s first words in the Bible are a poem of adoration about another human, and God isn’t mad about it. In fact, God set this up to be good; it solves the “not good” problem of being alone.

Love your neighbor. That’s what solves the “not good” problem.

The man said,

“This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called ‘woman,’
for she was taken out of man.”
Genesis 2:23 (NIV)