November 11, 2006
by: jovial_cynic
I like making things. I especially like making things out of metal, as you'll notice by browsing through my welded figurines. I dabble a little in wood as well, but metal is really where my heart is. Anything that goes *clang* is music to my soul.

Of course, working with metal is only as fun as the tools you have available. The more tools you have, the more you can create. My wife explains to me that this is analogous to the kitchen appliances she asks me to buy. Hm... I guess I can't argue with that.

As much as I love my metal-working tools (welders, cutters, sheet-metal hammers, etc.), something that I'd really like to have is a multi-machine - a metal-working machine that can make other metal-working machines. Unfortunately, a multi-machine is generally outrageously expensive, running upwards of $6,000 to $10,000 for a decent one.

Recently, I stumbled upon this:

That's DIY multi-machine, featured here on yahoo groups. If you join the group, you can access the 80 page PDF file they've put together to explain how they built it using old 6-cylinder engine blocks and other scavenged parts. The plans outline a way to build the whole machine for just a couple hundred bucks. I've got a couple hundred bucks sitting around...

If you don't have a yahoo account and don't want to get one just to download the PDF file, you can download it from me:

DIY Multi-Machine (2.64 MB).

np category: DIY


Luke said:
Cool...but wierd too. What other 'machines' would you make with the DIY???
November 11, 2006

jovial_cynic said:
WHAT?! What couldn't you make with it?

Seriously, though, machines like this are used to make and shape the metal used in making other precision machines - things like pullies, bearings, etc. It'd be much easier for me to fabricate automotive parts, which would be my primary use for the machine.

November 11, 2006

Luke said:
Oh kinda like "World's Fastest Indian" where he forges his own pistons? Like that? Whoa...coooooool.
November 12, 2006

jovial_cynic said:
mmm hm. Just like that.
November 12, 2006

marc said:
Nice job on your projects! Like you, I'm a programmer that likes woodworking, audio etc. I build a lot of furniture but I want to do some welding. We have 4 kids and the minivan needs some help. I want a trailer but I also want it to be aluminum to cut down on the weight. You used a stick welder to make your trailer. What model welder is it? Can you weld aluminum?


April 09, 2009

jovial_cynic said:
marc -

I didn't actually make my trailer. That was my plan originally, but I ended up finding one cheaper than the parts it would take to make one. While necessity is the mother of invention, good deals trump DIY projects.

April 09, 2009

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