September 05, 2006
by: jovial_cynic
In poll by Harris Interative, published in the Financial Times, and posted on Angus Reid, (and people will decide for themselves the validity of polls, often discrediting the results that conflict with their presuppositions, so I've posted the source data at the bottom of this post), 30% of Europeans view the United States as the number-one threat to global stability, followed by Iran with 23%.


More than Iran, more than North Korea, more than China.

But who knows? Maybe those Europeans are just envious of everything we have. That's a reasonable conclusion, right?

Harris Interactive / Financial Times
Methodology: Online interviews with 1,936 adults in Britain, 2,050 adults in France, 2,019 adults in Germany, 2,011 adults in Italy and 1,946 adults in Spain, conducted from Aug. 2 to Aug. 11, 2006. Margin of error is 3 per cent.
np category: politics


Mark Glesne said:
Hooray!! I finally got my RSS reader to display your feed. Now I can have your nonsense delivered directly to my homepage!! ;-)

I have no idea what changed, but it works now!

September 07, 2006

jovial_cynic said:
Oh - fantastic!

What RSS reader are you using, anyway?

September 07, 2006

Mark Glesne said:
It's actually a homegrown reader from our developers at work.
September 07, 2006

jovial_cynic said:
Ah, cool. I built one a while back, but only because I like to program, and wanted to see if I could do it. I like the social-networking aspect of bloglines though - you can browse through the blogrolls of other bloglines users -- it's pretty nice.
September 07, 2006

Luke said:
What the heck is an RSS feeder anyway? It's somehow built into IE but it's just as easy for me to click on the favorites website and see for myself rather than click the list of newest posts... Maybe I just don't understand it yet...
September 07, 2006

jovial_cynic said:
Luke - see the "XML" button in my navigation system, towards the bottom? Click on the text that says "WHAT IS THIS?"

Or... click here instead.

September 07, 2006

jovial_cynic said:
And specifically, an RSS reader is handy when you're reading 50 different blogs... and you don't want to waste time going to the blog if they haven't posted any new content. A good RSS reader will only show you content if there's new content on the blog to which you've subscribed.
September 07, 2006

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