
Kitchen Remodel

We’ve been working on this kitchen remodel this month. Normally, our spring projects start in spring, but we decided to start a little earlier this year.

The project has involved:

  1. Knocking down a wall and beaming the span.
  2. Rerouting the electrical
  3. Rerouting the water line for the fridge
  4. Relocating the fridge
  5. Building an island
  6. Relocating the oven
  7. Plumbing a gas line for the oven
  8. Switching from a single basin to double basin sink
  9. Installing a new garbage disposal
  10. Building new cabinets
  11. Tearing out tile and installing new flooring

Phew! We’re almost done.

Writing Challenge 2024

During this year’s month-long writing challenge in November, I decided to put in the work to crank out the sequel to Turtle Heaven, and I managed to succeed again this year.

It was a lot easier this year than in year’s past, and I think it’s largely because I had the story outline completed ahead of time. Certainly, the fact that the outline follows my own life a bit made it easier, but I think that having a pretty structured outline helps with the creativity. In past writing challenges, I’ve stalled primarily because I didn’t really have any characters or plot in mind, and only a minimal amount of setting… and those are pretty much the key ingredients for a novel!

Anyhow, in addition to the writing, I’ve also got the artwork completed for the book, so hopefully I can get this one done in the next several months, and hopefully have another August launch. Very exciting!


I didn’t go into this publishing project with an intent to make a ton of money or sell a million books. I didn’t have a goal at all. I just wanted to get my story done and make it available for anyone that was interested in knowing my journey. In some ways, it felt like publishing a journal, and unless you’re personally invested in the person who wrote the thing, why would you ever pay to read someone else’s journal?

Everything I read regarding “how many books should I expect to sell” pointed to this rather bleak result: The average self-published book receives about 100 sales. In a lifetime. A LIFETIME?! It’s on wonder writers are on the list of “starving artists.” You can’t make a living selling 100 books, when you’re lucky to make $5 per book sale. 

Well, towards the end of the first month, I decided to push to see if I could how far I could get. I wanted to know if I could achieve a significant milestone with my book that would encourage me to put out another book. If my first book was a financial flop, it would be much harder to get motivated to go through all that work again.

As it turns out, I was able to achieve an important milestone. Between the Paperback (Amazon and in-store), Kindle, and the Audiobook, I settled in at 105 sales within my first month. Amazing! I’m nearly done with month two, now, and as expected, the results are nowhere near as big as it was for the first month. Without the big launch push, I’m probably only going to sell about 15 books this go-around, but I’m starting to explore some marketing via Facebook, so we’ll see how it goes. 

Anyhow, this has been an incredible journey so far, and I really appreciate all of you who have followed along, both here and in my novel. Thanks so much – it means the world to me.

In-Store purchase in an Antique Store!

I didn’t expected that my first in-store purchase and commission check would come from a local ANTIQUE store of all places! Courtyard Antiques in Olympia likes to carry local author books and they gave me a whole spread on their Facebook page. Amazing.

I walked into the store yesterday to check out the display, and walked out with my first official commission check for my books. How exciting!




A box of my books arrived! It’s so wild to see so many of them in person!

I’ve taken a batch of five to Browsers Bookstore and a batch of two to Orca books (that’s all they would take), and I’ve mentioned their presence to my friends on Facebook. In the next few days, they should officially hit the shelves, and I’ll stop by to see what they look like.

Even though I’m the one who put the books up for consignment in the stores, it’s still so neat to know that my books are going to be for sale in a bookstore!

We have a published book!

I suppose I could have posted this back on the 10th when the book “officially” went live, but between the accidental early-release of the audiobook on Audible and the fact that Amazon’s version of August 10th is apparently the evening of August 9th in my time-zone, it doesn’t really matter. The book is live NOW and the the sales have taken off considerably more than I anticipated.

Because the novel is deeply personal to me, I was quite content to have a life-time sales of maybe 50 copies of my book. I figured that would cover the hard costs (the book cover, the ISBN, and maybe some initial copies that I’d keep on hand). I think the life-time sales of most self-published books is around 100.

Today, we are 4 days into the official launch of my book, and we’ve already broken 56 purchases across all three platforms (paperback, Kindle, and Audible), with a number of sales not yet reported. I’m absolutely blown away by the response, and I’ve had a number of people tell me that they’ve bought a copy for themselves AND a friend.

I have no idea how far this is going to go, but I’m extremely pleased. To have met my personal goal in less than a week is phenomenal, and it’s really just encouraged me to write even more. I’ve already started the preliminary groundwork for book #2, which will be the second story of the trilogy. I can’t wait to get it done and have you all read them!

Thanks so much to everyone who has followed me so far. It means the world to me!

Audio Complete!

Well, almost complete. I’ll be done by tomorrow, as I have just a tiny bit of end-credits and an epilogue to record. I’ve been recording and editing for two whole months now, and it has been a TON of work. Exhausting. I can finally understand why audio book narration can end up costing $250 per completed hour. 

Everything is moving forward as planned, and I’m currently running a simple marketing campaign on a few platforms, centered around the “… I wrote this book for you” theme. I’m eager to see what happens on launch day!

Audio Format

About a month ago, I ran a poll on twitter to see if people who consumed books were primarily interested in kindle books, paperback books, or audio books. At the time, only 10% of the poll respondents said they preferred audio books, and that sort of solidified my decision to not record an audio version of my book. But after reading some author reports that MOST of their sales came through their audio books, I’ve decided to go ahead and get a recording going.

Fortunately, I already own all the necessary recording equipment. Back in 2020, my wife and I ran a podcast about our life on a boat, and I got pretty comfortable with being in front of a microphone, as well as recording and editing. So… time to start recording!