Brawn-Based Classes
All Brawn-based Classes have Brawn as their Primary Class, followed by a Secondary Class that shapes their strengths and weakness.
At every new level attained, the player:
- Rolls 1d6 and distributes the value between Brawn + Discipline Core Stats, and then increases their associated Attributes as desired from the distributed points.
- Rolls 1d6 and distributes the value between Reflex + Wit Core Stats, and then increases their associated Attributes as desired from the distributed points.
All Brawn-based Classes gain the following:
- Level 1:
- 2 points of Weapons Familiarity. These points can be used on a single weapon or spread between two weapons.
- Level 3:
- Level 5:
(Brawn + Reflex)
- Everything is a Weapon: Swashbucklers do not suffer Unfamiliar-Weapon penalties. Weapons Mastery can be gained by spending 1 Knowledge point instead of 2, and Weapons Supremacy can be gained by spending 3 Knowledge points instead of 4.
- Equilibrium: If Balance Shock is rolled, the player may roll 3d6 instead of 2d6 to Find Balance if any two numbers on the 3d6 match.
- Quick Feet: +2 to Dodge.
- Battle Jig: Quick Feet increases to +3 to Dodge against more than one close opponent (within 10 feet).
- Level 1:
- Level 3:
- Level 5:
(Brawn + Discipline)
- Warriors/Knights do not suffer Fatigue/Total-Fatigue. (They still experience Exhaustion at -3 Brawn points)
- Combat Awareness: 3d6 to attack and defense rolls (keep top two) when one or more allies are close (within 10 feet).
- Focus: +3 to Attack when spending 2 initiative turns in Focus (-3 to Attack if Focus is broken). Dodge bonus is reduced to zero when in Focus.
- Level 1:
- Level 3:
- Combat Focus does not incur Dodge penalties.
- Focus can only be broken by 2 points of Injury in an attack.
- Level 5:
(Brawn + Discipline)
- Arcane Fighters can spend their Spell Points to gain Lucky rolls.
- Arcane Fighters can cast up to their Spell Points (equal to their Discipline Core Stat) in Flux spells per day. For Magic Table creation, see the chapter on Magic.
- Arcane Strike: +2 to Attack. Player must choose a Magic quadrant for this effect. This combat ability uses a Spell Point, regardless if the attack is successful.
- Arcane Intuition: +2 to Defense vs magical Injury (direct or indirect)
- Level 1:
- Level 3:
- Arcane Fighters can now Focus to cast Flux spells as Level 1 Spells without Reflex penalty. -2 on the roll if Focus is broken.
- Arcane Strike increases to +4 Dice.
- Level 5:
(Brawn + Wit)
- Hide: +2 to Stealth/Hide actions (Reflex: Acrobatics)
- Fast Talker: +2 to Negotiation (Wit: Negotiate)
- Quick strike: +3 to Attack with any small bladed weapon when they are first in the Initiative Order.
- Level 1:
- Level 3:
- Level 5:
Balance: The World of Isora © 2025 NEWPROTEST Publishing