September 14, 2006
by: jovial_cynic
Over at New Day Dawning, Neisley is promoting a book he recently read called "Liquid Church", and it sounds terribly fascinating. The whole idea of Christians focusing so much attention to the brick-and-morter structure of church, (which is rigid across all four dimensions) needs to give way to the natural behavior of people... which is essentially the foundation of functional social networking.

From Neisley's review:

The basic tenet of the book suggests that the church is a series of relationships and communications rather than meetings at a specific time and place. These networks of relationship and communication ebb and flow in response, both individually and corporately, to the dynamic moving of the Holy Spirit.

It's pointed out that our culture has changed from solid to liquid, but the institutional church remains in a solid state.

For so many Christians, the notion of "going to church" is akin to going to a football game, often with as much fanfare, and with as much of a mess at the end. Yet the very definition of "church" (greek: ekklesia, "called out") implies a state of being, not an activity that's locked into a schedule.
np category: theology


Luke said:
The first contention about relationships being the church is correct. I'm not so sure that our culture has actually transitioned into that yet though. I think some definately have but other's would recoil at the 'liquid' idea and prefer brick and mortar because of their respective upbringings/cultures.

But yeah, I like the idea of the liquid church. It'd be interesting to see a practical example.

September 15, 2006

jovial_cynic said:
By "our culture," you mean church culture, right? For sure -- I think that many christians have deeply associated the brick-and-morter with the function of church, and can't separate the two.

I'm still debating with myself about whether there's any value to the brick-and-morter at all... I understand the arguments for it, but it seems like as we progress into a deeper understanding of how people behave and the responsibilities Christians are supposed to have, there's almost no point to it. But I'm not sure. Like I said... internally debating the issue.

September 16, 2006

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